Governance, Compliance and Ethics
Employment, HR, Health and Safety Partner
We are a specialist team made up of corporate professionals hether we are supporting C-suit, helping to improve systems and processes, or provide additional capacity to corporate departments, or you have commissioned us to be your competent person or significant lead on investigations, procurement or projects our team will provide straight forward advice, support and guidance. We will positively and measurably improve your “Business Insurance Risk Profile” by working with you, to identify risks, and propose clear lines of control. We can produce reports, recommendations and action trackers that can be shared with underwriters to subsequently reduce insurance premiums or include them as part of tender documents.
Our aim, focus and determination are to help clients, their people, their businesses operate and thrive in safe and compliant way. We provide a range of services to a variety of industries.
Our purpose is to make a impact that matters and makes a difference. Founded on values of integrity, transparency, honesty and trust our focus is to provide a service that also accelerates equity, consistency and sustainability in an environment that demonstrates managed risk as well as evidencing quality-based improvement.
Our service hold a unique position in that we have brought together industry specific, qualified, and professionally accredited people bringing experience, knowledge and skills who can hit the ground running. We have influenced and managed change, made measured difference to clients, and the wider community, we've helped shape thinking and added value at every turn. Moving temporarily into your world we work to empower and upskill so your people can deliver long after we have left.
Our years of experience and practice has meant that we have crossed paths with some of the very best strategic thinkers having directly or indirectly shaped the way organisations reviewed their strategies and created innovative and dynamic solutions that have seen financial, technical and reputational improvements. Through our alliances De’Leigh can support you in meeting current demands and in building capacity and moving into new markets. De’Leigh delivers.
We remain true to our purpose and values. Good governance is our foundation for delivering our promise to clients and wider community. It promotes good business practice, and it drives and protects trust, supports integrity and determines the company we keep.
Our “Because We Can” Portfolio focuses on a number of initiatives that improve the lives and life chances of people and communities through the improvement of health and education, access to clean water and access to otherwise “having to pay for professional services”. We do this “because we can”.